Terms & Conditions

By booking and attending an appointment with myself, at any location, you are agreeing with the following terms and conditions:

The welfare of your dog is my main priority during the appointment, along with the safety of myself. I am trained in the correct use of grooming restraints and will use them where necessary, including muzzles if I feel there is a need.

I reserve the right to refuse to groom, or to end the groom early, if a dog is reactive or not coping due to stress, age or health conditions. 

I will not groom pregnant or nursing females.

Although extra time and care is spent to try and ensure the comfort of elderly dogs, grooming can be difficult for them. It may be necessary to make changes to the routine or style as dogs age. You must inform me of changes to the health and abilities of your dog. I will not take responsibility for any reaction to the mental or physical stress of grooming senior dogs.

Every attempt will be made to meet your requests in terms of the look of the groom, however it must be understood that your dog may look different to what you envisioned. If you are unhappy with the haircut please inform me as soon as possible so I can try to resolve the issue.

Matted dogs will always be clipped short in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act. Extra charges will be applicable in cases of very overdue or matted dogs due to the extra time, skill and products used, and the wear and tear on equipment.

If your dog cannot tolerate a certain part of the groom, for example nail cutting or ear plucking, they will not be forced to have this done and you will be made aware.

Grooming procedures may sometimes expose or aggravate existing medical problems. I will always inform you of anything unusual that has been noticed during the groom, so that you can seek veterinary advice if you feel it is necessary.

Minor incidents such as nicks from clippers or scissors, or the catching of nail quicks unfortunately happen occasionally. In this instance first aid will be carried out as necessary and you will be informed. It is your responsibility to ensure any injury remains clean and does not become infected.

Dogs will not be mixed with any other from outside their family. If you choose to leave more than one dog with me at the same time, you understand that any incident caused by them playing together is not my responsibility.